星期一 晴转多云 24~32℃
早上 8:30 左右发现网站无法访问,FTP 无法登录。昨晚八点左右仍正常,可能是夜里发生的。告知了 Ryan,但他远程也无法连接服务器,他判断可能服务器死机。
10:10 分时看还不能访问,到 10:14 发现可以访问了。
从 word 文件中取出原始图片
打开 word,在“文件”菜单中选择“另存为”,保存类型选“网页(*.htm; *.html)”。完成后,会看到原始图片已输出到和网页文件同目录下的“***.files”文件夹中。
DEDE 后台编辑器超链接默认改为 _blank 弹出
源代码搜索 id="txtTargetFrame",在 input 内加入 value="_blank",如下:
<input id="txtTargetFrame" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" onKeyUp="OnTargetNameChange();" onchange="OnTargetNameChange();" value="_blank" />
附:DEDE 后台编辑器寻找对话框目标文件的技巧
/include/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/ 目录下放的是编辑器对话框文件,寻找目标文件有个技巧。例如上述,假设不知道要修改“/include/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link.html”,可在 /include/FCKeditor/ 目录下搜索对话框中看到的某文字,例如搜索“目标框架名称”,可以在“/include/FCKeditor/editor/lang/zh-cn.js”中找到,能看到其对应的标签名为“DlgLnkTargetFrameName”,再在 /include/FCKeditor/ 目录下搜索“DlgLnkTargetFrameName”,则找到了“/include/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link.html”
Wild Goose
from http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/wild.html
A Tale from China
Two hunters saw a wild goose fly overhead. As one of the hunters placed an arrow in his bow and aimed it at the goose, he said, "That goose will make a fine stew."
"Stew!" said the other. "It would be far better to roast it."
"Stewed!" said the first, putting down his arrow.
"Roasted!" replied the other.
The argument went on. "Let’s ask our clan leader to decide the best way to cook that goose." The leader settled the argument by suggesting that when they caught the goose, half should be stewed and half should be roasted. In that way, everyone’s needs would be met.
Pleased, the two hunters went out to shoot the wild goose, but by that time, the goose was safely long gone . . .