第120天:收到 AdSense 个人识别号码,听《论语》心得

星期三 阴转多云 24~32℃

收到 Google 邮寄过来的 AdSense 个人识别号码 (PIN) 信息

因近一个月未收到 Google 的邮件,把地址由住处地址改成公司地址后,昨天刚刚重新申请新的个人识别号码,不料今天早上一到公司就接到房东的电话,说有一封信,塞到我门缝下了。


(百家讲坛   于丹)


  1. 天地人之道
  2. 心灵之道
  3. 处世之道
  4. 君子之道
  5. 交友之道
  6. 理想之道
  7. 人生之道


The Fighting Rooster
from: http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/fighting.html

A Taoist Tale by Chuang Tzu

There once was a man who wanted his fighting rooster to be more ferocious. He took the rooster to a trainer. In a few weeks’ time he returned and saw that his rooster didn’t squawk as loudly.

"Not ready yet," said the trainer. Two weeks later he saw that his rooster barely raised his neck feathers and wings.

"Not ready yet," said the trainer. Another week passed. His rooster looked as tame and docile as a chick.

"You’ve ruined my fine fighting bird!" screamed the man at the trainer.

"Not at all," the trainer replied, "See how calm and secure he is, how serenely strong he stands today. The other fighting birds take one look at him and they all run away!"




Comment (1)

  1. 呵呵,加油!google ads还不错的,就是不知道去怎么去做起来,google对个人站长好像封的比较多的。


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