
星期一 阴转多云 22~29℃

设计 X 展架,自信的再一次体现

上周五下班前接到的任务,设计一个 X 展架。到今天上午完成,总共花了大约 3 小时。

什么都有第一次,想 2005 年底,中搜内部举行全国分公司设计比赛,那是我第一次设计海报,不料居然得了全国第三。另外设计的一张桌面被杭州分公司许多电脑设置成了桌面。真是快乐无比。

这一次,第一次设计 X 展架,此前连 X 展架的概念是什么都不知道,不过在一边查资料一边找素材一边做的过程中,并未遇到太大阻碍。市场部负责人和我自己对设计稿都比较满意。我知道,这是一种内心的力量


修复友吧首页“顶起”的一个 bug

Ryan 今天修复了友吧首页“顶起”的一个 bug:新发布一篇文章,没有顶起,也会出现在“顶起”排行中。


今天设计好了大致的样式,明天就可以交给 Ryan 了。




A Big Quiet House
from: http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/bigquiet.html

A Yiddish Folktale from Eastern Europe

There was once a man who wished his small, noisy house was larger and quieter. He went to the wise old woman of the town and explained his need. She said, "I can solve your problem. Just do as I say."

The man agreed.

"If you have a chicken, some sheep, a horse, and a cow," she said, "bring them into the house with you."

"That’s a silly thing to do," thought the old man. But he did it anyway. Now his house was already small, and with all those animals in it, there was no room at all. He returned to the old woman and cried, "I need more room! The animals are so noisy I can’t think!"

"Take all those animals out of your dwelling," she replied.

When he had put all the animals comfortably back in the barn, the man went into his house. To his amazement, it suddenly looked remarkably bigger! Without the animals inside, his house was now quiet too!





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