
2008-8-8 星期五



(2008-8-11更新:今天正巧搜到 KingCMS只能放在根目录下是吗,原来不一定是放在根目录,答案是可以放在任何目录下面,但虚拟目录不行。[ 关于虚拟目录:要访问虚拟目录,用户必须知道虚拟目录的别名,并在浏览器中键入 URL. ])




English log

  • Setup [朗文当代英语字典.第四修订版].Longman.Dictionary.of.Contemporary.English.(4th.Edition).iso

I began to learn English in my first year of middle school. During the 1980’s in China, English education resources were very limited. As I have always been interested to learn, I enjoyed my English class and was successful studying the subject. I think during that time, the people and the stories I studied opened up a completely different world to me because we knew so little about life outside of China. The English class became the only way we could get information about other countries. My major in college was International Accounting, which was a new course in the early 1990s, and luckily I passed CET ( College English Test ) 4 and CET 6 before I graduated. But, I could not speak or write English very well even after I completed college. As the Chinese economy began to grow in the international marketplace, I realized that I should continue to improve my ability to understand English. I practiced learning English, but I have to say that over time my skill did not improve. I would describe my English learning experience as eager, frustrating, confusing and not effective.

In 2003 I moved to America. Suddenly, I was put in a world where all of the information in my life was in English. While I was very happy to be in America, I felt frustrated because of the language difficulty, and disappointed about my English skill. For the first time I realized that language was such an important tool, and I could not use this tool freely because I am not in a Chinese speaking country. The first few months were difficult for me to adjust to the new language. Now when I recall my early time here in America, I think my difficulty was not just about language. The biggest problem was my poor knowledge about this country. I did not know much about American history, culture, beliefs and lifestyle that, of course, is very different from China. We have a saying in Chinese – 如鱼得水, which means as free as fish in water. My feeling at that time was just the opposite of that saying. I left the water I used to swim freely and I was put in the water I was not use to at all. The water I mean here is about the society I grew up in and my native tongue I used all my life. Thankfully, with the help of my family and my effort, gradually I overcame the culture shock caused by language difficulty and lifestyle change. Day after day, I feel I am getting used to the water here as I continue to involve myself in American life.





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