星期二 晴转多云 21~31℃
昨天刚录到一篇 拥有快乐一天的七种方法,原来要快乐一天,一些随机因素还是要计算在内的。
IE7 的刷新和停止按钮
昨天没找到 IE7 的刷新按钮,今天到网上搜“ie7刷新按钮”,看到了,就在地址栏的右边,此前我还使劲在自定义命令栏里去找。
不过这一搜发觉一个现象,IE7 把“刷新”和“停止”按钮放在那个位置,确实不太符合旧习惯。
有一篇题目干脆就叫 没有刷新按钮是ie7最不爽的地方,结果被“热烈欢迎火星大王光临地球”,这样一来我也沾光了。
友吧取消 AdSense“链接单元”
photoshop 的切片
一直不习惯用 PS 的切片,全是用 FW 来切的,今天狠下心来尝试一下 PS 的切片,发觉还是不错的。
还可以像 FW 一样命名各切片。
我用 PS 切片,主要用于导出 gif.
The Tale of Bausis & Philemon
from: http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/bausis.html
A Greek Myth
Zeus, the king of Mount. Olympus, came down to visit the country folk disguised as a beggar. People turned him away until he came to the house of a poor elderly couple, Bausis and Philemon. Bausis and Philemon shared their simple meal of bread and wine with their guest. Oddly enough, the wine jug never emptied and there was more bread after each slice was cut. It was then that Bausis and Philemon realized that this was no ordinary visitor, but a god from Mount Olympus.
They bowed low and apologized for the simple food they had to offer. Zeus replied, "When you have shared your best, there is never a need to apologize."
In return for their generosity, Zeus granted them their only wish: to remain together always. and so when Bausis and Philemon died, an oak and a linden tree grew with their trunks entwined around each other, on the spot where the couple was buried.