星期二 多云 16~25℃
开始记录关于 UCenter Home APP 的碎思
在 TodayWorks 工作目录下新建了一个 ABOUT UCH APP.rtf,以记录关于 UCH APP 的碎思。昨天问了 Ryan,原来他以前写过游戏 APP。如此,最主要的就是想法了,看要写什么游戏,以符合友吧的理念。
创造快乐 ( 思考 )
女友很喜欢听我讲故事,我看过的故事虽多,却总不能记久。昨晚突然想,把每天上班时看的一篇英文故事,回家翻译给女友听,又有助记忆,又可以哄女友。昨晚给她讲了昨天记的 The Banquet,问她这个故事说了一个什么道理,她说意思是“不要狗眼看人低”。
今天上 百度万年历 查看今天是不是重阳,却意外发现十月份的“日”好多,占了大半的版图。
The Boatman
from http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/boatman.html
A Sufi Story from the Middle East
A scholar asked a boatman to row him across the river. The journey was long and slow. The scholar was bored. "Boatman," he called out, "Let’s have a conversation." Suggesting a topic of special interest to himself, he asked, "Have you ever studied phonetics or grammar?"
"No," said the boatman, "I’ve no use for those tools."
"Too bad," said the scholar, "You’ve wasted half your life. It’s useful to know the rules."
Later, as the rickety boat crashed into a rock in the middle of the river, the boatman turned to the scholar and said, "Pardon my humble mind that to you must seem dim, but, wise man, tell me, have you ever learned to swim?"
"No," said the scholar, "I’ve never learned. I’ve immersed myself in thinking."
"In that case," said the boatman, "you’ve wasted all your life. Alas, the boat is sinking."