星期四 晴转多云转雷阵雨(早晨起来看到蓝蓝的天空上只依稀飘了三四朵如烟的薄云) 23~32℃
友吧 LOGO 大小民意调查
参考八酒杯的建议,将 LOGO 缩小(此前我自己也一直有这打算)。图标缩为原来的 80%,“友吧”文字缩为原来的 72%
把两个 LOGO 放上网页做了两个效果图,问了几个人,都说大的好,没一个说小的好,就连八酒杯本人看过后也这么认为,我自己也越看越觉得还是大的好。
看来网页终究是网页,是要看整体的,改小后的 LOGO 和右边的导航很不相称。
The Golden Touch
from http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/golden.html
A Tale from Ancient Greece
There was once a king named Midas who did a good deed for a Satyr and was granted a wish by the God of wine, Dionysus. For his wish, Midas asked that whatever he touched would turn to gold. Although Dionysus tried to dissuade him, Midas insisted that the wish was an excellent one, and it was granted!
Excitedly, Midas went about touching all sorts of things, turning them into gold.
Soon Midas became hungry. He picked up a piece of food, but he couldn’t eat it, for it had turned to gold in his hand! "I’ll starve," moaned Midas, "Perhaps this was not such a good wish after all!"
Midas’ beloved daughter, seeing his dismay, threw her arms about him to comfort him, and, she too turned to gold! "The golden touch is no blessing," cried Midas. He went to the river and wept. The sand of that river turned as yellow as "fool’s gold" for it is there, they say, that King Midas washed away the curse of the golden touch with his own tears.