第101天:strong 和 b 标签的区别,减少侧栏 AD,blog 重构告一段落

星期五 阴


两者看上去都是加粗。<strong>除了使文字看上去加粗外,还有内在的强调作用,这点主要体现在 SEO 中,搜索引擎会更重视<strong>标签内的元素。而<b>则仅仅用于显示粗体。即<strong>是逻辑标签,<b>是实体标签。如果只想在页面中显示为粗体,那么建议用<b>,而不要用<strong>,以免引起搜索引擎的“误解”。


梦见 IE8 用户

昨晚梦见一位 IE8 用户打开我的 blog,内页侧栏的“新近日志”隐藏文字的样式在 IE8 下无效。

减少侧栏 AD,blog 重构告一段落

早上看到 lemon 的留言:


考虑之后,将侧栏 AD 由两个减为一个。感谢 lemon 的建议。

另,发言区的样式修改完毕。至此,blog 重构告一段落,下周开始又要继续友吧了。九月份的计划是完成基础建设的扫尾,十月份将开始 UCH 之旅。

The Traveler & The Nut Tree
from: http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/traveler.html

A Tale from India

A traveler who stopped to rest under a nut tree noticed a huge pumpkin growing on a thin vine.

"How foolish are the ways of nature," the traveler muttered. "If things were as they should be, this big, strong tree would hold the large pumpkins, and the spindly vine would hold the nuts. Now if I made the world, that is how I’d have done it!"

At that moment, from high up in the tree, a small nut fell and hit him squarely on the head. Startled, he looked up into the branches and thought, "Forgive my arrogance! If it were a big pumpkin that fell out of the tree onto my head, it most certainly would have killed me!"




Comments (2)

  1. ^_^

  2. 受益了



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